Let's turn things around! No matter the current state or condition, taking this extra step will aid in improving your business and or communities. Here is what we offer for Disaster Recovery:
3-5 Initiatives perfectly tailored to your needs for a 90 day period, we recommend making them continuous and repeatable. (This shows your communities that you are indeed serious about change and not applying a band-aid)
Increased press intel. Details on all events will be sent to news outlets and broadcast websites to provide chief editors with updated story on the company or communities. (All press is good press)
Intense community outreach to ensure that a large demographic is served during this process. (More individuals served more perspective
Survey collection before, during and after the event. All questions tailored with companies to ensure precise data collection in response to gaging the impact of the event. The intent with data collection is crisis analysis and averting.​
Social Media tags/hashtags highlighting the event. Hashtag will be shared on company's platform to increase engagement for all events.