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Corporate Responsibility 

Corporate responsibility - a model to take responsibility for the impact on stakeholders, public and your communities. Your company may or may not have these philanthropic initiatives but we help to create, design and plan MORE IMPACTFUL initiatives for your communities. The most common answers from communities are "Large corporations do not care about the poor communities" and we get it, as a company you do not have time to spend on planning corporate responsibilities that are impactful. 


That is where Ellison Effort comes in! We offer:

  • 2-3 Initiatives perfectly tailored to your business, we recommend events that are easily continuous and repeatable. This way the initiative stays alive for the community whether annually or quarterly.


  • Increased press intel. Details on all events will be sent to news outlets and broadcast websites to provide chief editors with updated story on the company or communities.


  • Community outreach to ensure that a large demographic interested in your services are served during this process. This leads to free individual recommendation from attendees.


  • Survey collection before, during and after the event. All questions tailored with companies to ensure precise data collection in response to gaging the impact of the event. The intent is to ensure optimal satisfaction from the community.


  • Social Media tags/hashtags highlighting the event. Hashtag will be shared on company's platform to increase engagement for all events.



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